R. P. Ryan Insurance is an independent agency providing insurance coverage for a variety of needs. There are a few areas of coverage where we focus our abilities. Please read below to determine if we can assist you in any of these areas.
Cyber Liability Insurance: Cyber Liability Insurance (or Cyber Breach Insurance) is becoming an essential part of an insurance package for businesses of all sizes that are involved in any transactions that involve:
Professional Liability: As a professional you have a strong commitment to your clients, however, they may not always return the favor. Whether a small, mid-sized or large firm your business has potential exposures as client expectations are increasing and lawsuits are becoming more common. For that reason R. P. Ryan Insurance offers protection to professionals for the array of emerging exposures you face and can help protect your firm against losses resulting from negligence, errors, and omissions in the performance of professional services. Firms in need of professional liability include, but are not limited to:
Multi-Housing Industry: R. P. Ryan Insurance offers insurance to the multi-housing industry through several companies highly qualified to write this line of business. Among our carriers are CIBA, MSA Group and Travelers. Coverage is available for up to $10 million Total Insured Values per building and up to $75 million Total Insured Values per account. Building coverage can include fences, walls, swimming pools, outdoor furniture, floor, lobby and hallway furnishings, appliances, lawn maintenance equipment and alarm systems. In addition, business income and extra expense can be included. Liability limits can be written up to $2 million per occurrence and umbrellas are also available. |
High Value Homes: A typical homeowners policy may be just fine for the average house - but when you've created a home with distinctive or custom features, you need an insurance company who understands your investment in your home. Compared to standard industry policies, our companies can provide higher levels of protection and service to help you restore your home, including it's distinctive features, in the event of a misfortune. |
In particular, our approach to homeowner insurance offers you:
If you own a home valued at $500,000 or more, contact us to assist you in getting the coverage you need and deserve! |